2022-11-03 Minutes

Location: Palisades Park

Date: November 3, 2022

Time: 19:00


November 2022 Meeting Minutes




·        Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore, West Blount

·        Member Departments not present: N/A

·        Associate members present: EMA, 911, Special Ops, BREMSS, Lifeguard, St. Fire Marshall’s Office, Coroner, DA’s Office, VOAD,

·        Associate Members not present: Forestry, St. Vincent’s Blount, Law enforcement, Lifesaver, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, Alabama Fire College



·        Shane Holliday, Sunbelt Fire, Ryan Vidishak



Previous Meeting Minutes

·        Motion to Accept: Payne

·        2nd Motion to Accept: Peek

·        Minutes were approved with no objections


Financial Reports

  • Motion to Accept: Payne
  • 2nd Motion to Accept: Robertson
  • Reports were approved with no objections






Old Business

·         Covered Bridge Festival was on October 8th.

·        If your department is working Varsity Football games, make sure to turn in the form to HCA to be paid.


Committee Reports


·        AAC Meeting 11/10/22.

·        Discussed new tax credit for FFs, EMTs, and Paramedics who volunteer

·        Please file formal complaints against Lifeguard if you have them; there is a formal process for complaints. Email AAC.



·        Fuel man- new year 10-1 with a $100,000 budget

·        October- $12,590

·        Homeland security grants



·         Radios are not ready yet

·        3 weeks ago a backup problem was found

·        LEO has radios

·        November 14th- backup connection

·        Look for emails for radio installs


911 Board Rep.

·        same as above

·        don’t forget to get licensure credit hours by March – EMS challenge for example


Special Ops

·        looking to get new and improved equipment



·        you can now get all EMT, EMT-A, and Paramedic hours online

·        LMS is currently closed for general use for the transition to the new system

·        No cost for our 7 counties

·        December 8th- BLS instructor

·        EMS banquet- BREMSS office November 15

·        EMS conference November 7-11



·        Things are going well

·        Radio issues

·        There are now radios in the ambulances


State Fire Marshall

·        “Appreciate y’all, call us if you need us”


·        Be cautious with drug overdoses; be cautious of fentanyl

·        There is no such thing as a routine call; be aware of your surroundings


·        Gathering officers

·        Veteran’s Day parade November 5th

Jr. FF Camp

·        Camp is June 6th-9th 2023

·        Working on gathering sponsors

·        Forming a camp committee


NO Report from the following Departments:


Fire Prevention

Explorer Post


St. Vincent’s Blount

Law Enforcement

District Attorney’s Office

AL LifeSaver


Survival Flight

Alabama Fire College


   NEW Business

·        Diesel fuel shortage- limits on how much can be bought by stations and customers

·        Light towers- please keep them serviced and full of fuel

·        Hayden Christmas parade December 6th

·        Oneonta Christmas parade December 13th

·        Locust Fork River mile markers

·        Ryan V- November 19th Morris Chili Fest


Motion to spend HAZMAT money for Special Ops

·        Motion to accept: Payne

·        2nd motion to accept: Peek

·        Motion approved with no objections





With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2001.

The next meeting will be held on December 2nd at Oneonta with a meal at 1830.






Meeting Locations – 2022


Jan 6 – Remlap                                                 Feb 3– Nectar                                                 March 3 – West Blount
April 7 – Susan Moore                                   May 5 – Blountsville                                       Jun 2 – Straight Mnt
Jul 7 – Pine Mnt                                               Aug 4 – Mt. High/Rtown                                       Sept 1 – STV-Blount
Oct 6 – Holly Springs                                      Nov 3 – Palisades                                            Dec 1 – Oneonta

Abby Hill


Blount Co. Fire & EMS Association