Location: West Blount
Date: March 3, 2023
Time: 19:00
BCFEMSA March 2023 Meeting Minutes
- Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mount High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore, West Blount
- Member Departments not present: Allgood, Cleveland
- Associate members present: EMA, 911 Commission, Special Ops, BREMSS, Lifeguard, Coroner, Alabama Fire College
- Associate Members not present: Forestry, St. Vincent’s Blount, Law Enforcement, State Fire Marshall’s Office, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, District Attorney, VOAD
- Sunbelt
Previous Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept: Steven Tuck
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Andrew Robertson
- Minutes were approved with no objections.
Financial Reports
- Motion to Accept: Jeremy Peek
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Tyler Seehusen
- Reports were approved with no objections.
Old Business
- Truck Check Offs due as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about these or financial statements.
- *Reminder*- financial statements due 4/6
Committee Reports
- As of February 9th review- fined $200 for January.
- At 80% compliance before review, and 84% compliance after review.
- 79 transports to Blount, and as many from Blount.
- At $46,440 for the year, 46.4% of the annual budget.
- At 83% of the budget for February
- Stay weather aware
- AEL- approved equipment list
- Meeting on April 16th, there is hopefully going to be a new director by then.
911 Board
- Same as 911.
- Fire Inspector 1 Class in April
Fire Prevention
- Safety grant is open
- Contact Ledbetter for smoke alarms
Special Ops
- Got more equipment in- rope/technical rescue
- Working to form a stronger response
- Funding for HAZMAT equipment
- Stroke Symposium April 14th
- NCCR- AL. EMS Challenge
- LMS is active
- Licensed agencies- QI/QC Plans emailed out
- Issues are continuing to be addressed
- “Thank y’all for your support”
Alabama Fire College
- Burn trailers and drill tower are repaired
- Trailers are still going to be used at Fire Camp
- Fire Briefing March 14th
- Roughly 700 people in EVF class
- Looking into a grain bin training prop
Jr. FF Camp
- Camp is June 6th-9th 2023 with setup on the 5th.
- Need female volunteers.
NO Report from the following Departments:
Explorer post, Forestry, St. Vincent’s Blount, Sheriff’s Office, State Fire Marshall, DA’s Office, AL Lifesaver RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, VOAD.
NEW Business
- Possible news release about fire camp
- HAZMAT team out of Huntsville
- No pre-deployment of teams unless a State of Emergency is declared.
- Alabama Association of Fire Chiefs Mutual Aide Consortium- can automatically request resources through our region (fire department resources)
- Still go through EMA for emergency resources
Bylaws change:
Motion to accept bylaws change: John Reed
Second motion to accept bylaws change: Jeremy Peek
Motion passed 17/3
Bylaws change proposal:
Article IX Membership in Good Standing
Section 2
Membership to the Blount County Fire and EMS Association shall consist of the following departments: Allgood, Bangor, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mount High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Summit, Susan Moore, West Blount, Blount County Rescue Squad.
Section 3
For any new fire department, rescue squad, EMS agency, or any variation of these to be added as a member to the Blount County Fire and EMS Association, a vote of approval from the Blount County Commission, Blount County 911 Board, and a super-majority vote from the Blount County Fire and EMS Association Board of Directors is required.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 20:10
The next meeting will be held on April 6th at Susan Moore with a meal at 18:30.
Meeting Locations – 2023
Jan 5 – Remlap Feb 2 – Nectar March 2 – West Blount
April 6 – Susan Moore May 4 – Blountsville Jun 1 – Straight Mtn.
Jul 6 – Pine Mountain Aug 3 – Dallas Selfville Sept 7 – STV-Blount
Oct 5 – Holly Springs Nov 2 – Palisades Dec 7 – Oneonta
Abby Hill
Blount Co. Fire & EMS Association