Location: Susan Moore
Date: April 6, 2023
Time: 19:00
BCFEMSA February 2023 Meeting Minutes
- Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Allgood,Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mount High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Susan Moore, West Blount
- Member Departments not present: Rosa, Summit
- Associate members present: EMA, 911 Commission, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Lifeguard, Coroner, Air Evac
- Associate Members not present: St. Vincent’s Blount, Law Enforcement, State Fire Marshall’s Office, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, District Attorney, Alabama Fire College, VOAD
- Sunbelt
Previous Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept: Andrew Robertson
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Steven Tuck
- Minutes were approved with no objections.
Financial Reports
- Motion to Accept: Jon Head
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Andrew Robetson
- Reports were approved with no objections.
Committee Reports
- At $59,426 for the year for Fuelman
- Kubota is down at Blountsville
- Derick Walker- new 911 director
- Have 11 full-time dispatchers, 18 total are needed
- There are textbooks that can be borrowed at EMA
- Vehicle Machinery and Extrication Equipment class in November
- District 2 meeting on July 27th at Al and Mick’s
Special Ops
- Working with the county for HAZMAT equipment
- Grant for a hydrant at the drill field
- MDAC Meeting rescheduled
- Reaffirmed transportation memo- can alter patient’s destination
- NCCR was taken down because of glitches
- “Never been more proud, everyone came together”
- Will not be using transportation memo
- Transitioning reporting software to streamline information
- Let us know if you need debriefing
- “We are here for you and appreciate you”
- Nextrung Counseling
Air Evac
- Landing zone class in July at Pine Mountain
Jr. FF Camp
- Camp is June 6th-9th 2023 with setup on the 5th.
- Need female volunteers.
NO Report from the following Departments:
Explorer post, St. Vincent’s Blount, Sheriff’s Office, State Fire Marshall, DA’s Office, AL Lifesaver RAMS, Survival Flight, Alabama Fire College, Red Cross, VOAD.
NEW Business
- Motion to create Venmo account for blunt county junior fire Academy through the association for incoming money.
Motion to accept: Jon Head
Second motion to accept: Andrew Robertson
- Motion to move July meeting to July 13th
Motion to accept: Andrew Robertson
Second motion to accept: heath Stockton
- Sunbelt is doing pump tests in May at Oneonta
- Applying for automated compression devices
- Doug needs rosters for workers comp by May 1st
- the June fling is June 10th from 09:00 to 16:00
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 20:08
The next meeting will be held on June 2nd at Straight Mountain with a meal at 18:30.
Meeting Locations – 2023
Jan 5 – Remlap Feb 2 – Nectar March 2 – West Blount
April 6 – Susan Moore May 4 – Blountsville Jun 1 – Straight Mtn.
Jul 6 – Pine Mountain Aug 3 – Dallas Selfville Sept 7 – STV-Blount
Oct 5 – Holly Springs Nov 2 – Palisades Dec 7 – Oneonta
Abby Hill
Blount Co. Fire & EMS Association