Location: Dallas Selfville
Date: August 3, 2023
Time: 19:00
BCFEMSA August 2023 Meeting Minutes
- Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Susan Moore, West Blount
- Member Departments not present: Mount High, Rosa, Summit
- Associate members present: EMA, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Lifeguard, Coroner, Alabama Fire College
- Associate Members not present: 911 Commission, St. Vincent’s Blount, Law Enforcement, State Fire Marshall’s Office, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, District Attorney, VOAD, Air Evac
- Go- Rescue
Previous Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept: Heath Stockton
- 2nd Motion to Accept: John Reed
- Minutes were approved with no objections.
Financial Reports
- Motion to Accept: Jon Head
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Tyler Seehusen
- Reports were approved with no objections.
Old Business
- No update on LUCAS devices
- Discussion of votes to have quarterly meetings and to have a centralized meeting location.
Committee Reports
- House Bill 455 went to signing; next goal is to speak to representatives and senate to set up a line item
- In budget for grant program
- At 81% of fuelman budget for the year
- Homeland Security grant close 8/1 – Submitted for stations 7 and 8.
- Need dispatchers
- Depending on MCA for answers regarding radios
911 Board
- Same as 911.
Special Ops
- Waiting on COWACO grant results for HAZMAT equipment
- Working on getting a fire hydrant installed at the drill field
- AL Council of EMS grant for AEDs for non-licensed, non-transport agencies, however licensed agencies can still apply but will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Deadline August 25.
- Still no definite answers regarding computers/ AVLs
- Lifeguard is not a preferred provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Fentanyl is a real fear; many overdoses and drug-related calls recently.
- We appreciate everyone
Alabama Fire College
- Safety Summit September 7th and 8th
- Props being refreshed with new paint etc.
- Bridge hours are increasing
- Weekend classes in October- Fire Officer 1
- RIT in January
- Fire Investigator February
- Pumper in August
- Instructor 1 June, Instructor 2 July
NO Report from the following Departments:
Training, Fire Prevention, Explorer post, Forestry, St. Vincent’s Blount, Sheriff’s Office, State Fire Marshall, DA’s Office, AL Lifesaver, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, VOAD, Jr. FF Camp
NEW Business
- Healthcare authority update: EMS coverage for high school games will be paid
- AED Grant MOUs
- Nominating Committee: Scott Payne, Tim Frye Jr., Jonathan Ayers, Paul Gilbert
- Extensive discussion regarding bylaws changes.
- Legacy- Greg Payne motion: Scott Payne second: Lee Netherton
Tammy Pierce motion: Jon Head second: Chris Hill
- EMT of the year- Jon Head motion: Mike Gunn second: Tyler Seehusen
Motion to close nominations: Scott Payne second: Heath Stockton
- Motion to purchase another table at the BREMSS Banquet if necessary- no objections
- Motion to reconsider the number of meetings per year-
Motion: Steve Pass
Second: Tyler Seehusen
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 21:29
Meeting Locations – 2023
Jan 5 – Remlap Feb 2 – Nectar March 2 – West Blount
April 6 – Susan Moore May 4 – Blountsville Jun 1 – Straight Mtn.
Jul 6 – Pine Mountain Aug 3 – Dallas Selfville Sept 7 – STV-Blount
Oct 5 – Holly Springs Nov 2 – Palisades Dec 7 – Oneonta
Abby Hill
Blount Co. Fire & EMS Association