The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Max Armstrong gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, Summit, Susan Moore and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, Law Enforcement, Coroner and Air-Evac were also represented. 9·1·1 Board Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Members Bob Sanford and Steve Pass were present.
GUESTS – Brad Cox of Allcomm Wireless sponsored the meal and thanked everyone for their business. Allcomm is a proud supporter of Blount County first responders and they also have six employees that live within Blount County. He highlighted several radio products and also discussed others areas of their services such as radio repair work, tower services and Whelen light bars and outdoor warning products.
Blount County Commissioners Carthal Self, Dist 2, Dean Calvert, Dist 3 and Gary Striklin, Dist 4 were present. Commissioner Calvert thanked all departments for the work and support they provide for the Commissioners and road crews. Commissioner Striklin handed out checks to the departments in his District.
Jerry Jones, Chairman, Blount County Health Care Authority, spoke concerning deadlines and how the HCA equipment subsidies are processed. The accounting year starts on October 1 of each year and the deadline to turn in invoices is May 31. Invoices can be submitted now for the FY14 subsidies and should be mailed to:
Blount County Health Care Authority
Attn: Jerry Jones
P. O. Box 892
Oneonta, AL 35121
Subsidies to each department are allocated for $1500.00 with an additional $1000 for each ALS department. These requests need to be kept separate. If you need advance money for your purchase, Mr. Jones recommended that you have the Association write a request for advancement based on your vendor quote and forward that request to the HCA. He reminded everyone that the HCA reimbursements are strictly for EMS-related supplies and equipment. If you have questions about any portion of the process, please contact him.
Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the September meeting. Motion by Chief Wade, seconded by Chief Payne and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Glass, and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed notified all present that he had applications for placing apparatus in the November 2 Veteran's Day Parade to be held in Oneonta.
EMA – Director Max Armstrong explained that FEMA and State EMA had finally reached a conclusion concerning the annual NIMSCAST report. The report has been simplified and the EMA office will process the information for Blount County. He recommended that all departments continue to keep track of training and training needs. Final FY13 Fuelman budgets came in at $5800.00 over budget for FY13 for a total of $75800.00. The month of September saw purchases of 122% over monthly budget levels. The Fuelman program has been level funded at $70000.00 for FY14 so please be aware of your fuel usage and thank your Commissioners for including that in the budget again this year. EMA continues to upgrade and improve emergency plans and needs input from each department regarding any new threats or hazardous chemical storage facilities in your community or coverage areas. Please forward any information to the EMA office.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Max reported that the contract for the new 911 Center has been signed, ground breaking has been held with the assistance of the Blount County Commission and City of Oneonta and construction is underway. Forecast dates for completion are February 1, 2014. 911 Supervisor Neal Brooks advised that the Sprint cell phone system is now working for paging department members.
TRAINING – There are currently 7 people participating in the ICS 300 class which ends Thursday, October 10. Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr. needs names of those who will attend the Chainsaw Training class in November so the instructors can provide enough equipment.
FIRE PREVENTION – Fair Coordinator Joe Ray Daily reported that there was good firefighter turnout for working the fair booth this year. The Fair had a good week despite the ballgames and rain on Saturday. There was a human interest story concerning a young child with special needs and Smokey Bear. Chief Wade was given permission to pursue that story for publication in The Blount Countian.
FORESTRY – Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms was present and advised that he was glad to be back. He realized that Forestry was behind schedule in doing inspections on any Forestry-loaned surplus equipment held by departments. Be ready to be inspected in the near future so they can complete that task.
SPECIAL OPS – Chief Willis said the Command Bus had been repaired. There was an
extended discussion about the status of the Blount County Hazmat Team. Since most
members of the team are employed by Oneonta and can't be released to Hazmat while
on duty and the Level-A suits are not reliable, Chief Willis recommended that this team be
considered inactive. There are several State AMAS Hazmat units available around the area
that can respond in a reasonable time if an incident arises. The Special Ops Team will retain
the High-Angle and Confined Space Team and equipment and may pursue a Swift Water
Team. Chief Willis recommended that based on the lack of a Hazmat Team, the Workman's
Comp insurance policy for that team not be paid for the upcoming year. Another
recommendation was for the Special Ops team to apply for an AFG grant to purchase flow
test and FIT test apparatus. Funds from the current Hazmat fund could be used as matching
money for this grant.
BREMSS – John notified all that any Trauma rules changes recently enacted DO NOT affect any counties within BREMSS operations. Protocol education guidelines should go to the State EMS Committee in October and will possibly be on-line state wide in November.
Blount EMS – No report – Tammy is teaching tonight.
AMED – No report.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – Sheriff Arrington was present but had no specific report. He did offer that if you have any questions concerning a response to your scene with the BCSO, please call him on his cell phone at 205-353-6849.
CORONER – Coroner John Mark Vaughn was present to attempt to clarify any issues concerning transmittal of run reports to his office concerning a death-in-field. There is still some legal confusion from different parties as to what can be sent by fax to the Coroner's office. That discussion will continue. Mark thanked Sheriff Arrington for assisting with acquiring a vehicle that will be used by the Coroner's office to transport from the scene to area funeral homes. This vehicle should reduce the amount of time an EMS department has to remain on the scene. Transport fees can be recovered from funeral homes.
LIFESAVER – Wesley Powell reported that all pilots and nurses out of the Birmingham base have jobs in other locations.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – No report.
§ The Nominating Committee provided the following report for Association Officer nominations:
1. Chairman – John Reed
2. Vice-Chairman – Ken Edwards
3. Sec./Treasurer – Max Armstrong
4. Training Officer - Tim Frye, Jr.
Nominations from the floor were requested for all positions but there were none offered. Nominations were closed and officers were appointed by acclimation.
· Firefighter of the Year – Terry Helms, Alabama Forestry Commission
Nominations were requested from the floor, being none Terry is the FFOY.
Terry will receive his plaque at the November Association meeting.
· EMT of the Year candidates were:
◦ Chief Lee Netherton – Snead
◦ Chris Branham – Brooksville
◦ Chief Chris Hill – Holly Springs
The candidates that were present were asked to leave the room so a show-of- hands vote could be taken. Chief Chris Hill was voted EMT of the Year. Chris will receive his plaque at the BREMSS banquet in December.
§ Jeff Coleman of Locust Fork voiced concern about toning out mutual aid departments to assist on an incident. He has noticed that the closest neighboring fire department to the incident scene was not necessarily the department being requested. Max suggested that all Chiefs review their automatic aid partners and make that information available to the 911 Center so dispatchers will know who to request.
The next meeting will be November 7 at Holly Springs. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Blount EMS.