The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Doug Smith gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain, Summit, and West Blount. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, Special Ops, BREMSS, and AMED were also represented. 9·1·1 Board Supervisor Neal Brooks and Board Member Bob Sanford were present.
GUESTS – Brian Gable from SERVPRO of Cullman/Blount County sponsored the meal and gave a presentation on the services they offer for restoration and cleaning. Probate Judge/County Commission Chairman Chris Green and County Administrator Zac Marsh along with District 2 Commissioner Carthal Self and District 4 Commissioner Gary Striklin were also present to hand out checks to all departments for the purpose of helping to cover department insurance costs. All expressed their gratitude to members of the Fire Association for the countless hours involved in caring for the citizens of Blount County and for assisting the Commissioners in times of emergencies. Judge Green reminded those present that the Commission is glad to support the Association membership by providing the Fuelman program, the tax revenue checks issued earlier in the year and the insurance coverage checks.
Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the May meeting. Motion by Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Frye, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Oneonta LT. Payne, seconded by Chief Glass and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed said he realized when researching the adopted Rules of Membership that they were not displayed in their entirety on the Association web page and that would be corrected. There was a brief discussion concerning attendance policies and membership in good standing with the result that a letter will be mailed to Susan Moore Fire Department stating that they are in violation of the attendance policy and subject to loss of Association privileges such as voting, Fuelman access and landfill income. John also welcomed JJ Ivey, Chief, West Blount Fire Department.
EMA – Director Max Armstrong reported that Fuelman use for the month of May was at 96.7% of monthly budgets. He also reminded all departments that information is still needed by the 911 Center concerning mobile radio dead spots in your coverage area. August is the month to report NIMSCAST training numbers so begin now to gather that information so that reports can be made without the last minute rush.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – May run reports were handed out by Supervisor Neal Brooks. The 911 Board has advertised for bids on the new 911 Center construction with completion targets of late 2013. Max asked that if you need specific run reports for ISO inspections or other reasons, please let him or Neal know.
TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr. highlighted the monthly training report that had been sent out on Egroups earlier. (See attached.) Chief Booth reported that the DPS helicopter crew had requested that they be allowed to train Blount County departments in the use and support of search and rescue operations utilizing the air assets of DPS. Chief Booth graciously volunteered to coordinate this training. Oneonta Fire will soon offer training with the live fire trailer. Larry Binder asked that we look at an ICS 300/400 night time training in the near future. John and EMA will recheck with State EMA to confirm teaching credentials.
FORESTRY – Blount County Forester Joe Spradlin was present with Forestry Grant Checks in the absence of Terry Helms who had suffered a major injury in a 4-wheeler accident on his farm. Terry is resting at home but will be out of work for at least 3 months. Joe also asked that all departments send him updated names of new members so they can be placed on the State Firefighter Tag List maintained by Forestry.
SPECIAL OPS – No report.
BREMSS – John advised that protocols have not been sent to State Committee yet but you will be notified. The BREMSS website has a list of training classes.
Blount EMS – No report.
AMED – Betty asked that you let her know if you need anything.
CORONER – No report.
LIFESAVER – No report.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – No report.
§ None
§ Joe Ray Dailey was proud to recognize Dallas-Selfville Fire LT David Henry who has recently returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan.
§ All were reminded to send a report to EMA stating that your departmental finances had been reviewed for the current year. This can be in the form of a letter from your Board or from the reviewing individual / company. Also, truck surveys / inspections for this year need to be completed per the Rules of Membership.
§ Chief Hill voiced some concerns about door-to-door fundraising by the BCRS in their community. The problem was confusion on the part of the homeowner who didn’t understand it was the Blount County Rescue Squad and not the fire department soliciting which can create hard feelings toward the local fire department. BCRS Captain Edward Gene asked that if you have any confusion or feel that any misrepresentation has occurred to let him know. He will need dates, time, location, physical description or vehicle description so he can talk to the vendor. These can be reported to Captain Gean, Chairman Reed or EMA.
§ Station 70 has received a thermal imager that they are willing to bring to any scene for assistance.
§ Chief Booth requested help for individuals to serve as Counselors at Burn Camp in Alex City. She has served for multiple years and there is a huge need for female first responders to assist. She has actually assisted former patients that she first came in contact with and treated at the original fire scene.
§ John reminded all to be careful. Several emergency response personnel were involved in tragic events in recent weeks: Houston lost 4 firefighters; 3 EMS personnel were lost in a wreck; 2 law enforcement agencies in Blount County had officers hurt in wrecks last week.
The next meeting will be July 11 at St. Mountain Fire Station #1 on County Hwy 29. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by QuadMed. Please note the change in date from the first Thursday, which is July 4th.