The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reed. Chief Frye gave the invocation. The following member organizations were represented: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Dallas-Selfville, Holly Springs, Locust Fork, Mt. High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Royal, Snead, St. Mountain and Summit. EMA, 9·1·1, Forestry, BREMSS, Blount EMS, AMED and Law Enforcement were also represented.
GUESTS – Anthony Smith and John Behl of Infinity Fire & Water Restoration, LLC sponsored the meal and discussed their full range of services for fire, smoke, water, sewage, and flood damage to homes or businesses. They are available for 24-hour emergency calls and are based out of Madison and Cullman. Tommy Ferguson of the Blount County Camp of The Gideons International did not stay for the meeting but delivered New Testament Bibles from the Gideons for all present. He will be contacting each Chief in the near future to meet with your department and provide more Bibles at your request.
Chairman Reed asked for the approval of the minutes of the March, 2013 meeting. Motion by Chief Payne, seconded by Chief Wade, and carried by voice vote. The Financial Report was approved by a motion from Chief Frye, seconded by Chief Payne, and carried by voice vote.
CHAIRMAN – Chairman John Reed advised that VFIS has revised the insurance and liability coverage and presented an invoice of $1131.00 for annual coverage. A letter from the Blount County Health Care Authority was received detailing specifics of the 2014 equipment grant application process. Information will be shared at a later date but paid invoices must be presented to the HCA by May 31, 2013 to complete this year’s grant cycle. Vice-Chairman Ken Edwards will be attending the District II AAVFD meeting later this month. If you have concerns about any issues, please let him know. The biggest points of discussion at these meetings has been the statewide problems associated with narrow-banding.
EMA – Director Max Armstrong presented the latest figures for the Fuelman program. Usage for the month of March was 148% of monthly budget targets and 2nd QTR FY13 usage was at 111% of the quarterly budget. Max passed on information from the National Weather Service that the timeframe of April 10 – 12 could provide some damaging and dangerous weather. John and others thanked the BCSO for their assistance in clearing roads from the wind storrm several weeks ago.
9·1·1/COMMUNICATIONS – Max advised that run reports were handed out and if you need specific reports for certain time periods, please let him know. The 911 Board is completing a study to determine coverage needs for communications around the County. If you know of specific trouble spots in your coverage where mobile radio signals are not good, please take note of details of that area: location; current weather conditions; terrain; etc. Once these areas are identified, there may be an opportunity to place “pocket repeaters” close by to improve communications.
TRAINING – Training Officer Tim Frye, Jr. announced that DOW Chemical Company along with CSX Railroad would have training sessions on chemical tank car accidents. He is also waiting for information from District Attorney Pamela Casey concerning the cutting of trees for the chainsaw training class. There will be a BREMSS systems training class at Remlap Fire on April 16 at 1900. John encouraged everyone to sign up to receive “The Secret List” which gives details on training and other fire department/EMS related information.
FORESTRY – Forestry Project Specialist Terry Helms congratulated Murphree Valley Fire Department for completing their Wildland Fire Fighting certification.
SPECIAL OPS – No report.
BREMSS – John advised that if you need PCRs there are some at the 911 Center and EMA office. Protocols have been updated and approved but there are no published training dates at this time.
Blount EMS – Tammy asks that you let her know if you have any problems or need anything.
AMED – Betty also has the same message.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – SGT. Investigator Fred Cochran thanked everyone for all that you do. In discussing the emergency road clearing done by several sheriff department employees he stated they were there off the clock but more than happy to assist. Fred is working to develop a Disaster Response Unit for situations like this where there will be a policy and SOPs in place for deployment. He also requested that if you would like to have a Crime Scene investigation class, Investigator Randy Underwood would be glad to instruct. Please let Fred know if you need anything from the BCSO.
CORONER – No report.
LIFESAVER – No report.
AIR-EVAC – No report.
RED CROSS – No report.
GOOD & WELFARE – No report.
§ Chief Payne reminded all that the Blount County Health Care Authority must receive your paid equipment invoices by May 31, 2013 if you expect reimbursement.
§ Chief Booth brought up an issue she is having concerning voluntary dues being collected on water bills from local water authorities. It seems that some receipts are being credited to other fire departments and not the department that has coverage for that address.
§ Chief Osborne with Oneonta Fire Department will be retiring effective April 30, 2013. Lt. Ken Ward is also retiring and his retirement reception will be Friday, April 5 @ 1400 at Oneonta City Hall.
§ Chief Payne asked everyone to review the BREMSS Newsletter and pay attention to the information targeting ACLS departments.
§ Ricetown is trying to schedule an ISO pump test prior to an ISO visit. If any department would like to participate to save expenses, they will advertise the dates once they are set.
The next meeting will be May 2 at Snead. The meal will be at 6:30 sponsored by Brindlee Mtn Fire Apparatus.