Location: Straight Mountain
Date: June 1, 2023
Time: 19:00
BCFEMSA June 2023 Meeting Minutes
- Representatives of each member department were accounted for: Allgood, Bangor, Blount County Rescue Squad, Blountsville, Brooksville, Cleveland, Dallas Selfville, Holly Springs, Mount High, Murphree Valley, Nectar, Oneonta, Pine Mountain, Remlap, Ricetown, Rosa, Royal, Snead, Straight Mountain, Susan Moore, West Blount
- Member Departments not present: Locust Fork, Summit
- Associate members present: EMA, 911 Commission, Special Ops, BREMSS, Lifeguard, Coroner
- Associate Members not present: Forestry, St. Vincent’s Blount, Law Enforcement, State Fire Marshall’s Office, RAMS, Survival Flight, Red Cross, District Attorney, Alabama Fire College, VOAD
- Bradley Harvey, Chase Moore
Previous Meeting Minutes
- Motion to Accept: Andrew Robertson
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Tyler Seehusen
- Minutes were approved with no objections.
Financial Reports
- Motion to Accept: Jeremy Peek
- 2nd Motion to Accept: Jon Head
- Reports were approved with no objection.
Committee Reports
- Got the insurance quote from VFIS for fire camp equipment, which was more than we wanted to pay.
- We will revalue the equipment.
- Still send emails to the AAC about ambulance issues and they will be addressed.
- At 67% of Fuelman budget for the year
- Homeland Security grant opens in June.
- Working out issues in the radio system that are greater than a local issue.
- Getting dispatcher numbers back up.
- Working to streamline the dispatching process.
911 Board
- Vehicle Machinery and Extrication Equipment class in November
- Need funding for adding a hydrant at the drill field.
- Building a new training tower
- Training in Oneonta the week of 12th (June)
- 160 in Guntersville
Special Ops
- Rope Rescue refresher July 22nd
- CQI template available
- SMICK meeting 7/25, Prattville
- BREMSS banquet most likely in September
- BLS instructor class in July
- ALS instructor class in August
- Officers are putting together summer and fall class and training schedule
State Fire Marshall
- Corey Brown is our new State Fire Marshall person
- Fred says he is always available but to call Corey first
- “Thank you for all of your help”
Jr. FF Camp
- Camp is June 6th-9th 2023 with setup on the 5th.
NO Report from the following Departments:
Fire Prevention, Explorer post, Forestry, St. Vincent’s Blount, Sheriff’s Office, DA’s Office, AL Lifesaver, RAMS, Survival Flight, Alabama Fire College, Red Cross, VOAD.
NEW Business
- Proposal to vote to change meetings to quarterly, and to make changes to bylaws/ rules to accommodate this. Allow for emergency meetings to be held if necessary. Meetings are to be held on the first Thursday of the months of August, November, February, and May.
- Proposal to vote to have all meetings at a centralized location, Cleveland if possible (community center). With different departments sponsoring as usual.
- Motion for the association to address the issue of Law Enforcement or family requesting ambulance only (no fire) on serious medical calls to mitigate possible issues pertaining to that situation such as the patient waiting an extended amount of time for an ambulance that could lead to delayed patient care.
Motion: Seehusen
Second: Robertson
Motion was approved with no objections.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 20:33
The next meeting will be held on July 13th at Pine Mountain with landing zone training at 18:00.
Meeting Locations – 2023
Jan 5 – Remlap Feb 2 – Nectar March 2 – West Blount
April 6 – Susan Moore May 4 – Blountsville Jun 13th – Straight Mtn.
Jul 13 – Pine Mountain Aug 3 – Dallas Selfville Sept 7 – STV-Blount
Oct 5 – Holly Springs Nov 2 – Palisades Dec 7 – Oneonta
Abby Hill
Blount Co. Fire & EMS Association